This is where we will share feedback (aggregated and anonymous!)
The following ACAG surveys are open at the moment, please share your views and ideas - they won't take long
Adaminaby Pool Survey 1 (open 3 April 2023)
Results of Pool Survey 1. We had 11 respondents. Data shown in the attached for 10 respondents (my bad for picking the wrong survey tool!). For the people that responded, we learn that:
The pool is very highly valued
Heating overwhelming believed is the best improvement, then BBQ area, then extended opening hours
Apart from heating, the following were highly rated for these user groups:
for seniors, hydrotherapy and access to main pool were the next two highest rated aspects to increase use
for families, BBQ area, Shading in toddler pool, swim club and lessons, and play area in the precinct were highly rated
for young people (15-25 yrs), extended opening season and extended opening hours were the most highly rated aspects
Free entry wasn’t thought to be a big decider on what would increase pool use
People who filled out the survey go mostly to the pool with their kids and for exercise