NSW Public Spaces Charter
This is a great document!
The NSW Public Spaces Charter (PDF, 3.34 MB) has been developed to support the planning, design, management and activation of public spaces in NSW. It identifies 10 principles for quality public space, developed through evidence-based research and discussions with public space experts and community members.
1. Open and welcoming
2. Community focussed
3. Culture and creativity
4. Local character and identity
5. Green and resilient
6. Healthy and active
7. Local business and economies
8. Safe and secure
9. Designed for place
10. Well managed
Snowy Monaro Shire Council are signatories to the Charter.
ACAG is looking in to becoming a signatory also.
For information about the Charter and the 10 principles have a look at the Charter website
And look at their Youtube video on the 10 principles