SMRC Draft Recreation and open space strategy - consultation open until 11:59pm on Sunday 6 May 2023
Let them know what you think:
Their feedback form
Post PO Box 714, Cooma, NSW, 2630
In-person: to office locations in Berridale, Bombala, Cooma or Jindabyne.
SMRC received 50 submissions. 18 were provided by Adaminaby (36%).
On the front page of the results document presented to Council at its meeting on 15 June 2023, strong support for redevelopment of Seymour Park was the first of seven key issues highlighted.
We await minutes from the SMRC Council meeting of 15 June 2023.
Access the SMRC submission results here
The Snowy Monaro Regional Council is developing a strategy for recreation areas and open spaces.
After an initial consultation and data gathering exercise they have
produced a draft plan which is now open for consultation. Now is the time to send them your feedback! ACA will be submitting feedback also.
Here's some key things: the Draft Plan, Adaminaby Pool, Seymour Park
Draft Plan
There is the overall strategy and its background information, and then specific plans for areas within the region, including Adaminaby and Eucumbene Corridor (for the fact sheet scroll down the list on the left of the SMRC page).
The picture painted by the draft plan is that Adaminaby's population forecast is an 'ageing' one. We think this prediction is shaky given the COVID 19 'tree change', relative house prices in other commensurate towns, and also the impact of the significantly improved (if not sealed!) old road to Canberra.
Most importantly, however, our main concern is that this picture stifles a better approach which is one that prioritises community, and recognises Adaminaby as a community of all ages. Instead, a better and more realistic approach should seek solutions to deliver whole of community spaces that are great for everyone, supports all sectors of the community and visitors, encourages young families to come and live in Adaminaby, and invests in the liveability of Adaminaby for young and old alike. This is the spirit of the NSW Public Spaces Charter.
The draft plan has the following proposed actions:
The Regional Trails Masterplan recommends investigating the development of recreational trails along the Eucumbene foreshore
Prepare a Masterplan for multi-use sites such as Adaminaby Showground
Investigate opportunities to develop Seymour Park as a local park central to residential area
Review the scope of work for the Old Adaminaby Boat Ramp upgrade
Review all undeveloped open spaces
We believe all these actions will have a positive outcome for Adaminaby community and visitors. Our focus is on advocating for the following:
The Pool and Precinct
Heating in the pool and modest upgrades will significantly increase the use and enjoyment of the pool for young and old alike and are a perfect holistic solution, particularly in combination with redevelopment of the adjacent Seymour Park (see below).
However, while 'heating on the pool to allow for an extended season' is listed as one of the 'participation trends and local needs identified throughout the stakeholder engagement' in the 'Eucumbene/Adaminaby Precinct recreation needs analysis', the pool does not appear on proposed actions list quoted above from the 'Eucumbene and Adaminaby Draft Recreation and Open Space Strategy.
We believe it should, and will be providing this feedback to SMRC. Adaminaby has been trying to get heating in the pool for years, it is a key requirement, and there is now a $50,000 pledged by Labor to make it happen. If you agree, please provide this feedback to the council.
Take the ACAG quick survey about the pool so we can gather your thoughts on the pool!
Seymour Park
The draft plan includes 'Investigate opportunities to develop Seymour Park as a local park central to residential area'. We agree and we look forward to contributing to the process and working with Council and all stakeholders to redevelop this area for optimum value for the Adaminaby community.
To gain your thoughts and ideas we'll get a quick Maps Survey about community park and recreation area for Adaminaby up and going shortly. Please check back soon!