A community park, playground & recreation area
A community park and recreation area for Adaminaby
UPDATE 15 June 2023
The feedback document compiling submissions to the Draft Recreation and Open Spaces Strategy was submitted to SMRC for its meeting on 15 June 2023. Of 56 submissions, Adaminaby provided 18 (36%). On the first page of the feedback document, redevelopment of Seymour Park is listed of the first of seven key issues. We look forward to learning the results of Council decisions from this meeting.
The importance of excellent and inclusive community spaces and recreation areas for individuals and communities is well known and there are a gazillion reports in Australia and internationally to back this up. Just have a look at the NSW Public Places Charter  issued in 2021 for information about the high value put on quality public spaces by the NSW Government.
We'll have a MAPs quick survey up shortly about community parks in the info section of this website- check back soon
What we have
We want to improve community spaes and recreation areas in Adaminaby. We already use to the hilt what currently exits, but it is very basic. There are legitimate and significant concerns about the safety of these facilities because of their close proximity to the main road which is a high traffic area for heavy trucks (mostly Snowy 2.0 associated) that pass by frequently.
Have a look at the photos in the gallery below. You'll see the decommissioned playground at Seymour Park, the old swings at Angler's Reach, and the current Adaminaby playground with the high traffic sign.
The only public BBQs in Adaminaby are about 4m (if that) from the main road with no security fence - clearly not designed as a community space for the town.
On the other side of the public toilets is the main Adaminaby playground. This received an upgrade ahout 4 years ago. It is 20m from the main road, with huge noise and heavy traffic from the Snowy 2 massive trucks that pass by constantly. It currently has a sign on its gate saying 'This is a Snowy 2.0 High Traffic Area. Park and Play Safely'. The gates often do not work. Aaah the serenity! Joking aside, parents have to be constantly vigilant about the safety of their children and this playground is not appropriate as a community-centred park.
What we could achieve
Up the hill from the main square is a space full of opportunity. Adjacent to the swimming pool precinct is the old Seymour Park. It is currently empty except for an old decommissioned playground. We would like to explore with Adaminaby community and other stakeholders whether and how to redevelop this area as a community park that incorporates recreational facilities for young and old. We are committed to fund-raising and collaboration to make this happen. This space was identified by the SMRC in its initial stakeholder engagement as one of the proposed actions in the draft Adaminaby and Eucumbene Open Spaces and Recreation Plan
Why its important
Our experience is that such places play an essential role in connecting people together. They are places for our kids to meet and play, for Mums to share experiences and advice, and for people of all ages to gather, meet and chat. Many mothers in Adaminaby and surrounding area are sole parents during the week while their partners work away during the week or for long hours during the day. Connecting up with other mothers and community members at these places can be a real life-line, and is of course hugely important for the kids. Playgrounds bring pre-schoolers together, and are a social place for children of all ages.Â
Parks and playgrounds can be the heart of communities and should be high priorities for urban planners and responsible communities and councils. Beautiful outdoor spaces, thrilling playground designs, places to gather and cook food, sporting areas and attractive landscaping all encourage use by every sector of the community, and inspire parents and visitors to bring their children regularly.
All the research shows the importance and benefit of community parks, playgrounds and recreational areas for social cohesion, and mental and physical wellbeing. Providing communities with high quality parks is a priority for government, let alone MAPS!
There are amazing communty parks out there, large and small. We'll add some links to them shortly.
Project Gallery